Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Response to Hampe Prt 2

Ashley writes:
Hampe writes you're supposed to edit your footage to communicate your message "honestly, directly, and forcefully - what you know about the event." Do you think its easier to manipulate your audience with editing or is it easier to be honest with what happened (even if it goes against what you wanted your original message to be)?

It would be easy to do both. Our mass media is so inclined to edit to manipulate the viewer's experience and understanding how the event happened or what he or she said. Especially with the current political race and atmosphere, editing is so predominant to play up a certain image of their ads. For example, McCain may use a portion of Obama's speech and pinpoint a certain angle (i.e. "Obama associates with Mr. X") when the whole context illustrates a different point. However, the most honesty can be illustrated through raw video, no edits. It may be overwhelming but at least it allows the viewers to pass a certain perspective, not to be *told* what to think....

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