Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Audio Project: Ch-ch-eck it Out!

Name: "No Edits"
(Time 4:07)

When this project was posed, I had a flood of ideas rush through my head. Vocalization of my internal thoughts? Play by play of a conversation that I'm watching? As I went home to start a recording, it was so hard to maintain a quiet environment. My microphone would be picking up people talking in the hall, music from next door, the construction going on outside. Granted I could easily filter out the noise with audio programs, but it struck a chord with me. When I needed silence, the background noise was amplified. I always thought my apartment was relatively quiet but when I demanded silence to the world (if that was even possible), I received just the opposite.

I even went to other locations: computer lab, study lounge, library, another apartment. With each location, it was the same thing - interruptions. I then decided that I wouldn't fight it anymore. My idea was then born. I would set it up a la This American Life but with an amplified version of my experience. It was set up where I was recording a podcast entitled Silence: Is It a Good Thing?

My project is titled No Edits. The title ties directly with the audio. I'm sure in the land of recording, massive edits are used to take out the 'flaws'. In the course of my fake recording session, numerous interruptions occur. I used my roommate and sound effects to amplify these interruptions even further. All of the interruptions have all actually happened to me: door knocking, dog barking, cell phone ringing, other person talking and the fire detector going off. I set up the audio where the music picks up during the times that wouldn't be edited out. Then as each interruption occurs, the music stops. My voice also changes in that I'm extremely agitated during the distractions and then cool and calm when continuing my recording.

I hope that my project comes across with comedic effect. I wanted to show the 'two sides' of audio recording, the real deal with no edits.


1 comment:

Moot_Caroo said...

Just wanted to say I really enjoyed your audio project.