Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Life!

My name is Jen Hanson (aka ‘jhanson’) and I hate writing my bio. :)

I guess I’ll start off with the general overview. I’m going into my 5th year at U of I as a Human Communication Science major (after changing my major almost 6 times). I’ll graduate in May so hopefully that will be the end of that. I was born in Davenport, IA but have lived all over IL my whole life. I’m the oldest, with a younger brother and sister. However, I’ve lived in Champaign for the past four years, so it’s become my new hometown. Right now, I’m living in an apartment with Mr. J – my rabbit.

While here, I’ve become a workaholic trying to pay for my own schooling. At one time, I’ve had 3 jobs but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I work hard but I wouldn’t have gotten where I am if I had slacked off at any point in time. Besides making money, I like to find weird music and read environmental books. Also I like shopping vintage, laughing, sitting around with my friends, finding the perfect bumper sticker on Facebook and spending as little of my money as possible. I also love technology but not what some of it’s doing to the environment. I would say I’m a pseudo tech geek because I love new gadgets but if I had to explain how they worked, I would be clueless.

I also love writing but not under demand or pressure, so hopefully this blog will be as natural as possible and not forced by me in any way. When I have my blog up, I will usually have massive numbers of other tabs open: Facebook, Google News, Perez Hilton and my email (of course)!